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It's funny how things turn out… It recently occurred to me that I was actually supporting Anne Kirkpatrick's career before I was even a fan of hers. Can you believe it! You see, back in 1973 I was fifteen years old and working in a record store in Maryborough, Qld. At that time the Slim Dusty Show used to come to town every year. And every year while I was working in that store we got a visit from one of the entourage asking permission to hang a tour poster in the front window. Well I was a strong supporter of Aussie talent even then (regardless of my personal music tastes) and often made my own store window posters to promote touring artists if no official poster was made available. So, we always said 'yes' to the Slim Dusty tour people and in return were always offered two free tickets to the show. At that age though I wasn't really a keen country music fan so I'd dutifully give the tickets to my mother and proceed to get on with my life. Unfortunately for me now I can still remember my mother's attempts to get me to go along with her. She'd stand there and tell me I really ought to come along if only to see Slim's daughter Anne. "She's not that much older than you" Mum would say, "and she doesn't sing at all like Slim" ...but I couldn't be convinced.

Local radio had been playing Anne's singles "Love's Old Song" and "Train Leaves Here This Morning" but even though I liked the songs I never made the connection that the Anne Kirkpatrick singing them was in fact that same Anne singing with the Slim Dusty show. It wasn't until 1978 when she released "All He Did Was Tell Me Lies" that I really sat up and took notice. A song with attitude ...and how about the distinctive style that voice was taking on! I was hooked. I followed her television appearances. I bought her albums... But I'd moved away from Maryborough by then and it was quite some time before I was able to see her perform in concert. Thankfully I've managed to see her many times since and am delighted to say that the charm and appeal of her act continues to intensify with each passing year.

Over the years I have continued to spend the major part of my working life in music retail and supporting Aussie talent whenever I can. I've also been involved in music memorabilia displays for local citizens, dabbled in music journalism, had a ball with freelance rock photography and single handedly introduced Record Fairs to Brisbane in the 1980's. My enjoyment of music ranges from pop to classical to country and even to stage musicals and cabaret but you've got to be REALLY GOOD for me to like you if you're an overseas entertainer because my loyalty is always to the Aussies first.

Oh, and Anne, I hope those tour posters I hung in the shop window did encourage a few more people to attend those concerts in the 1970's even if they didn't get me into the hall. But, you see... it is true, I was out there supporting your career even before I knew I was doing it!

Sincerely yours: Debra Mayes

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